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Garfield Heights Municipal Court (GHMC) has geographic jurisdiction of cases arising in Brecksville, Cuyahoga Heights, Garfield Heights, Independence, Maple Heights, Metro Parks, Newburgh Heights, Valley View and Walton Hills. The Court provides a range of online services to enable the public to move their case forward without needing to visit the courthouse.

E-Pleas | GHMC Docket | Court Forms | E-Payment | E-File

The Clerk of Court’s Office operates remotely online 24 hours per day, 7 days per week and 365 days per year and Virtual hearings are normally held between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday through Friday and are conducted online through   Occasionally evening and weekend hours may be scheduled at the direction of the judge.

Except for certain evidentiary hearings and trials which a judge may schedule for an in-person appearance, court users may access the Court online for all other purposes.  Online services include:

  • Payments of fines, costs and filing fees
  • Filing any documents
  • Checking the docket for each case to view filings, judicial orders and case status
  • Finding standard forms to print and file
  • Entering a first plea or change a plea in criminal and traffic cases in lieu of a first court appearance or to waive an appearance; requesting a public defender, scheduling certain hearings
  • Surrendering online where an arrest warrant is pending without appearing at the Court or a jail
  • Mediation in any pending matter
  • Find help in restating a suspended driver’s license or apply for driving privileges
  • Finding instructions for appearing at or observing a virtual hearing
  • Joining a virtual hearing
  • Remote hearings and trials

IMPORTANT NOTE: The E-Filing and E-Pleas are maintained by Henschen & Associates at the direction of the Court.  This permits the Court to operate virtually without a multi-person IT staff.  When filing or entering a plea online, the user will be directed to the Henschen & Associates website and will need to choose the “Garfield Heights Municipal Court” to begin.