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A subpoena is a court document that orders a witness to appear at your court date to give testimony. A subpoena can require the attendance of a witness at a hearing or trial and it can be served anywhere in the state.   A subpoena may also command the witness to produce the books, papers, documents, or other objects requested in the subpoena.

Subpoenas are issued by the clerk of the court under the seal of the court.  If you request a subpoena, you will receive a blank document that you have to fill in.

A subpoena may be served by a bailiff, a clerk of court, an attorney, or any other person who is not a party to the case and is at least 18 years old and designated by order of the court.  A subpoena is served by delivering a copy to the person named in the subpoena.  The person who serves the subpoena must file a return copy of it with the clerk of the court.  If a person fails to obey a subpoena served on him without an adequate excuse he can be found in contempt of court. It is best to file a subpoena at least 10 days before trial. Fees for subpoenas are part of the court costs.